Understanding the Kanji 0.1.5
A tool for understanding the meaning behind the Japanese Kanji characters.
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.gui.controller.AboutControllerThe controller for the About view
 Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.gui.controller.AboutLicensesControllerThe controller that corresponds to the AboutLicenses view
 Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.ApplicationLauncherThe main class for the program
 Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.logic.AppStoragePathsUtility class associated with creating and retrieving the default file structure for the project
 Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.gui.ControllerManagerAbstract class to control the switching behavior of the FXML views and their corresponding controllers
 Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.gui.ControllersDefines the Controllers and their corresponding FXML files
 Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.logic.DatabaseConnectionDefines an object wrapper for a SQLite database connection
 Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.logic.DatabaseReadConnectionThe DatabaseConnection child class associated with reading data from the database
 Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.logic.DatabaseWriteConnectionThe DatabaseConnection child class associated with writing data to the database
 Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.logic.DBConnectionPoolSingleton to manage program-wide database connections
 Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.gui.controller.KanjiEditorControllerThe controller that corresponds to the KanjiEditor view
 Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.gui.controller.KanjiSearchControllerThe controller that corresponds to the Quiz view
 Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.gui.controller.KanjiViewControllerThe controller that corresponds to the KanjiBrowser view
 Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.gui.controller.LoadControllerThe controller that corresponds to the Load view
 Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.logic.LoggerAbstract (static) class to log messages both to the program and to the console
 Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.gui.MessageBoxUtility class to create and display message boxes to the user (without any logging)
 Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.MainThe main class for the OpenJFX Application