Understanding the Kanji 0.1.5
A tool for understanding the meaning behind the Japanese Kanji characters.
Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.gui.controller.AboutController | The controller for the About view |
Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.gui.controller.AboutLicensesController | The controller that corresponds to the AboutLicenses view |
Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.ApplicationLauncher | The main class for the program |
Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.logic.AppStoragePaths | Utility class associated with creating and retrieving the default file structure for the project |
Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.gui.ControllerManager | Abstract class to control the switching behavior of the FXML views and their corresponding controllers |
Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.gui.Controllers | Defines the Controllers and their corresponding FXML files |
▼Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.logic.DatabaseConnection | Defines an object wrapper for a SQLite database connection |
Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.logic.DatabaseReadConnection | The DatabaseConnection child class associated with reading data from the database |
Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.logic.DatabaseWriteConnection | The DatabaseConnection child class associated with writing data to the database |
Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.logic.DBConnectionPool | Singleton to manage program-wide database connections |
Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.gui.controller.KanjiEditorController | The controller that corresponds to the KanjiEditor view |
Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.gui.controller.KanjiSearchController | The controller that corresponds to the Quiz view |
Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.gui.controller.KanjiViewController | The controller that corresponds to the KanjiBrowser view |
Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.gui.controller.LoadController | The controller that corresponds to the Load view |
Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.logic.Logger | Abstract (static) class to log messages both to the program and to the console |
Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.gui.MessageBox | Utility class to create and display message boxes to the user (without any logging) |
▼CApplication | |
Cnet.samuelcmace.utk.Main | The main class for the OpenJFX Application |